Q. What is the Distribution Administrator?
问:什么是 “和解款管理人”?
A. The Distribution Administrator is an independent third party appointed by the Court to establish and implement a distribution plan for distributing the funds collected from Defendants Xia, Fleet and Relief Defendant Yue under the Final Judgment.
Q. What are the responsibilities of the Distribution Administrator here?
A. The Distribution Administrator shall, among other things: (1) prepare and file with the Court a proposed distribution plan that proposes how funds collected under the Final Judgment will be handled, including how funds may be repaid to EB-5 Investors who want to be repaid and that other EB-5 Investors may attempt to stay invested in the EB-5 Program to continue to pursue their EB-5 immigrant visas; (2) once the distribution plan is approved by the Court, take steps necessary to implement that plan; (3) coordinate with the Tax Administrator to prepare accountings and ensure that the Fair Fund complies with all legal and regulatory requirements; and (4) maintain accurate records concerning the Fair Fund distribution. (See Appointment Order at page 3.)
Q. What are the limitations on the authority of the Distribution Administrator?
A. Please be aware that the Distribution Administrator’s authority is strictly limited by the Court’s Appointment Order. According to the Court’s Order, the Distribution Administrator has no authority to access or collect any materials related to the investors’ projects, such as business plans, subscription agreements, etc. The Distribution Administrator also has no authority to intervene or participate in the investors’ immigration applications. The Distribution Administrator also has no authority tointerfere with or participate in any bankruptcy proceedings in connection with the Defendants, Relief Defendant, and the entities that are related to them. The Distribution Administrator also has no authority to interfere with or participate in the operations and asset disposal of any related companies or investment projects. The Distribution Administrator’s only authority is to distribute the funds collected from Defendants Xia, Fleet, and Relief Defendant Yue, which are intended to satisfy the final judgment.
Q. Can the Distribution Administrator decide the exact amount each person will receive?
A. No, the Distribution Administrator cannot independently decide the specific amount each person will receive. The distribution amounts are determined based on the Court’s judgment and the approved Distribution Plan. The Distribution Administrator is responsible for implementing the plan and ensuring that the funds are distributed according to the Court’s instructions.
Q. Is the Administrator authorized to manage or operate assets of Defendant Xia and Fleet or Relief Defendant Yue other than the cash they pay to the Court’s CRIS, such as real estate they own?
A. No. The Distribution Administrator’s authority is limited to monitoring and distributing the funds collected from the Defendants in satisfaction of their monetary obligations under the Final Judgment.
Q. How will the Distribution Administrator contact me?
A. The Distribution Administrator has obtained a document from the SEC identifying the mailing addresses of the investors. The Distribution Administrator will make the following attempts to contact the investors:
(1) Contact the immigration lawyer/law firm that represented the investor during the EB-5 application process;
(2) Secondly, contact the lawyer/law firm representing some of the investors in litigation proceedings;
(3) Mail documents to the investor's mailing address obtained from the SEC;
(4) Additionally, the Distribution Administrator will issue public announcements via channels such as WeChat public accounts, newspapers, the Distribution Administrator's website, and other platforms.
(2) 其次联系代表部分投资人进行诉讼维权的律师/律师事务所;
Q. Does the Distribution Administrator represent me?
A. No. The Distribution Administrator is not your lawyer and does not represent you. Accordingly, he cannot provide you with legal advice. He is the Court’s agent, and he is effectuating the provisions of the Court’s Orders.
Q. Who should I contact for questions regarding the fund distribution?
A. All inquiries regarding the Fund Distribution should be sent to
Q. Who should I contact for questions regarding the fund distribution?
A. All inquiries regarding the Fund Distribution should be sent to
Q. What is the latest status of the proposed Distribution Plan?
A. The Distribution Administrator filed the Motion for Approval of the Distribution Plan on November 1, 2024, and the Court approved the Proposed Distribution Plan on November 5, 2024.
Q. What is addressed in the Distribution Plan?
A. The Distribution Plan provides each EB-5 Investor with options related to his or her Settlement Share—that is, the EB-5 Investor’s pro rata share of the funds to be distributed under the settlement. The EB-5 Investor’s Settlement Share is calculated as follows:

In general, the Distribution Plan permits each EB-5 Investor to choose among the following two options, either:
(1) receive a direct payment of his or her Settlement Share; or
(2) direct the Distribution Administrator to send his or her Settlement Share back into the EB-5 Program so that the EB-5 Investor may attempt to continue to pursue his or her EB-5 immigrant visa in the EB-5 Program.

With respect to the second option, the Distribution Plan provides each EB-5 Investor with the ability to direct the Administrator to pay his or her Settlement Share back to the NCE in which the EB-5 Investor originally invested related to the Eastern Emerald or Eastern Mirage Projects only if the following conditions are met by defendant Fleet. (1) USCIS does not terminate or revoke the designation of the Fleet Regional Center; (2) Defendant Xia and his affiliates completely relinquish ownership and control of the Fleet Regional Center and the involved NCEs; (3) The Fleet Regional Center is transferred to a new owner for continued operation; and (4) USCIS approves the recertification application submitted by the new owner of the Fleet Regional Center, making it a qualified regional center again. Additionally, if USCIS decides to terminate or revoke the Fleet Regional Center's designation, the Distribution Plan provides an option allowing each EB-5 investor to direct the Distribution Administrator to apply their settlement share to another EB-5 project (unrelated to the NCEs or Fleet). This would allow EB-5 investors to exercise their Section M rights. EB-5 investors may also directly apply to the Distribution Administrator to receive their Settlement Share and reinvest it on their own to complete the necessary applications under the EB-5 Investor’s Section M Rights.


(1) 接受其和解份额的直接支付;或 (2) 指示和解款管理人将其和解份额重新投入其此前参与的EB-5项目,以便EB-5投资人可以继续尝试申请其EB-5移民签证(即,投资人指示和解款管理人将其和解份额支付回此前EB-5投资人投资的与Eastern Emerald或Eastern Mirage项目相关的NCE(New Commercial Enterprise))。EB-5投资人能且只能在以下法院设置的条件都满足的情况下,才可以选择该方案。法院设置的条件为:(1)USCIS决定不终止或者撤销Fleet区域中心的资格;(2)被告人Xia某以及其相关的人彻底放弃其在Fleet区域中心以及所涉及的NCEs的所有权和控制权;(3)Fleet区域中心必须转交给一个新的所有人运营;(4)USCIS批准Fleet区域中心的由新所有人重新递交的认证申请并重新成为一个适格的区域中心。
Q. How much do Defendants Xia and Fleet and Relief Defendant Yue have to pay under the Final Judgment?
A. The Court’s Final Judgment requires the payment of disgorgement, prejudgment interest on that disgorgement, and civil money penalties totaling $272,140,380. In particular, Fleet and Xia are jointly and severally liable for disgorgement of $228,500,000 and prejudgment interest of $25,000,000, and Relief Defendant Yue is jointly and severally liable to Defendants to $14,000,000 of the above disgorgement amount and $720,000 of the above prejudgment interest amount. (See Final Judgment at 4.) Defendant Fleet is also liable for a civil penalty in the amount of $15,538,635, and Defendant Xia is liable for a civil penalty in the amount of $3,101,745. (See Final Judgment at 4.) Thus, the total that is to be paid into the CRIS account is at least $272,140,380: 228,500,000 + $25,000,000 + $15,538,635 + $3,101,745. Defendants Xia and Fleet and Relief Defendant Yue will also be required to pay some amount of post-judgment interest to be determined.
答:法院的终审判决要求支付总计272,140,380美元(包括判决前利息以及民事罚款)。具体而言,被告Fleet区域中心和Xia某对228,500,000美元的返还金额以及25,000,000美元的判决前利息承担连带责任,被宽恕的被告Yue与所有被告共同对上述返还金额中的14,000,000美元和判决前利息中的720,000美元承担连带责任。(参见终审判决第4页。)被告Fleet区域中心还需支付15,538,635美元的民事罚款,被告Xia某需支付3,101,745美元的民事罚款。(参见终审判决第4页。)因此,被告以及被宽恕的被告需要支付到法院CRIS账户的总额为272,140,380美元:228,500,000 + 25,000,000 + 15,538,635 + 3,101,745。被告Xia和Fleet区域中心以及被宽恕的被告Yue还将被要求支付一定金额的判决后利息,具体金额待定。
Q. When are Defendants Xia, Fleet, and Yue required to pay CRIS?
A. The Court’s Final Judgment established the following payment schedule for Defendants Xia and Fleet, and Relief Defendant Yue to satisfy their monetary obligations under the Final Judgment.
1. $42,500,000 of Defendants’ funds currently frozen pursuant to the Court’s Preliminary Injunction Order Freezing Assets, dated December 8, 2022, will be paid to the Court’s CRIS upon the SEC’s motion (Final Judgment at page 5.) The SEC made this motion on August 26, 2024, and it is currently pending Court review and approval.
2. Defendant Xia and Fleet’s remaining monetary obligations and Relief Defendant Yue’s monetary obligations shall be paid to the Court’s CRIS no later than 245 days from the entry of the Final Judgment, i.e., March 26, 2025. (Final Judgment at page 6.)

Q. Who is involved in the Distribution other than the Distribution Administrator?
A. The Distribution Administrator’s team currently includes the Distribution Administrator and staff from the Distribution Administrator’s law firm, Seiden Law L.L.P. Additionally, three expert parties are involved:
(1) Heffler, Radetich & Saitta L.L.P, serving as the Tax Administrator, responsible for any tax issues arising from and related to the distribution of funds;
(2)Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P, providing accounting and data management services to the Administrator; and
(3)Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C., acting as the EB-5 immigration legal counsel for the Administrator.

答:和解款管理人的团队目前包括和解款管理人本人以及来自和解款管理人所在的律师事务所Seiden Law LLP的工作人员。此外,还包括了三位专家方:(1)Heffler, Radetich & Saitta LLP作为税务管理人以负责因和借款分配产生的任何税务问题;(2)Weaver and Tidwell, LLP为和解款管理人提供财会以及资料管理服务;(3)Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C作为和解款管理人的EB-5移民法律顾问
Q. When will the distribution start?
A. Currently, we do not know exactly when the distribution process will start. Because Defendants and Yue are not required to make all payments required by the Final Judgment until March 26, 2025, the distribution process will not start prior to that date.

Q. Can I submit my information and documents right now?
A. Yes. The Administration Team released the Claim Form and Required Document Checklist on November 21, 2024. Please prepare the relevant materials according to the checklist. EB-5 investors may submit the required materials through either of the following methods:
1. Online Submission:
2. Mail Submission:
Address to 322 8th Avenue, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10001, Recipient: SEC v. Xia Distribution Administrator
However, EB-5 Investor Claimants must submit the Proof of Claim Form along with the notarized documents by mail. All required documents must submit to the Distribution Administrator by 11:59 p.m. EST on August 15, 2025.

2.邮寄提交:地址为 322 8th Avenue, Suite 1200, New York, NY 10001,收件人:SEC v. Xia Distribution Administrator
Q. What should I fill in for “Recovery Amount” in the Proof of Claim Form if I have not receive any repayment or compensation?
A. If you haven’t recovered anything from your investment, you should fill in “0” as your answer in the claim form. 答:如果您从未收到过任何形式的还款或赔偿,您应当在索赔表格中“回收金额”这一栏填写“0”。
Q. Which documents must be submitted by mail?
A. 1. The Proof of Claim Form signed by the EB-5 Investor with his or her water signature. 2. An affidavit, declaration, or notarized documents confirming the signatory is the EB-5 himself or herself.

答:1.带有EB-5投资人本人亲笔签名的索赔申请表格 2. 宣誓书或宣誓证词或公证文件从而能确认签署人索赔申请表格的人是EB-5投资者本人
Q. Can I also mail the other supporting documents along with the Proof of Claim Form?
A. Yes, you can.

Q. Is there any difference between submitting supporting documents online and by mail?
A. Essentially, there is no difference between the two submission methods. Regardless of which method you choose, we will send you a confirmation email once we have received all the required documents. However, since mailed documents need to be manually scanned by our team, the processing time will be slower compared to online submissions. Therefore, we recommend submitting your documents online whenever possible to save time.

Q. My immigration status is still processing. Can I wait for an update or the decision before submitting my claim?
A. Yes, you can. You can wait to submit your claim before the deadline, which is 11:59 PM EST on August 15, 2025.

Q. I have a notarized certificate confirming that I am the signatory and the person who executed the Proof of Claim form. Do I still need to provide an additional affidavit or declaration statement?
A. No. Please note that a notarized certificate confirming that you are the signatory and the person executing the Proof of Claim Form will be sufficient. There is no need for an additional document stating the same information.

Q. Can I use someone else’s bank account, such as that of a relative, friend, or coworker, for the Distribution payment method?
A. No, you cannot. Under the Court Approved Distribution Plan and SEC’s instructions, we are unable to distribute funds to any account that is not under the Investor’s name. In your application for distribution (i.e., the Proof of Claim Form), you must provide an account under your name. However, that account does not need to be the same account you used to invest in.

Q. Can you provide a template for the notarized certificate or affidavit/declaration?
A. Due to variations in regional and jurisdictional requirements, we are unable to provide a template for the notarized certificate or affidavit/declaration. We recommend consulting with a notary public in your area or your immigration attorney to determine the appropriate format for your notarized certificate or affidavit/declaration. The purpose of the affidavit or declaration is to have a notary public certify that you signed the Proof of Claim Form in their presence and to attach the identification page of your passport to it. Please note that a notarized certificate confirming that you are the signatory and the person executing the Proof of Claim Form would also be sufficient.

Q. Where can I download/print the Proof of Claim Form?
A.Please use this link to download :
Additionally, the Distribution Administrator team will mail the Proof of Claim Form to each investor's address based on the information provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Q. My immigration has been terminated or denied, so I did not obtain a permanent resident card (Green Card). What should I do when submitting my claim?
A. Given this situation, submitting the I-526 receipt notice (required) as well as I-526 approval notice (if any) instead of the permanent resident card will be sufficient. Please note that we require the submission of the I-526 receipt notice and merely providing the I-526 receipt number is not sufficient.

答:在这种情况下,提交I-526 收据通知(必要)以及 I-526 批准通知(如有)作为替代永久居民卡的文件即可。请注意,我们要求提交I-526 收据通知页,仅提供 I-526 收据编号是不够的。
Q: Can I use a seal or an electronically generated signature that resembles a handwritten one to sign my Proof of Claim Form?
A: No, you cannot. Please note that all investors must mail a Proof of Claim Form with a handwritten water signature. No exceptions are allowed.

Q. Can I get some of my money back now?
A. No. All funds must remain frozen and within the Court’s CRIS account until the Court authorizes otherwise.

Q. My EB-5 immigration application has been terminated. Can I prioritize getting a partial refund of my funds?
A.No, all funds must remain frozen and held in the Court’s CRIS account until further authorization from the Court. No exception is permitted unless the Court orders otherwise.

Q. Will I get all of my money back?
A. Currently, we cannot estimate how much each EB-5 Investor might receive. The Final Judgment gives the Defendants and Relief Defendant Yue until March 26, 2025, to pay all money they owe under the Final Judgment. The amount eligible to be paid to each EB-5 Investor will depend on Defendants and Yue meeting their payment obligations under the Final Judgment or other efforts by the SEC to collect funds from them. The Distribution Administrator lacks sufficient information to determine the percentage of the recovery for each EB-5 Investor at this time.

Q. If I am unable to recover all of my funds, how will the Distribution Administrator assist?
A. The powers and responsibilities of the Distribution Administrator are limited by the Court's Appointment Order. The Court’s Order does not grant the Distribution Administrator the authority to pursue any debt recovery. Therefore, the Distribution Administrator cannot assist you in recovering any unpaid funds. We recommend that you consult your lawyer for appropriate legal advice.

Q. In special circumstances, such as when the principal applicant has passed away, can the children or spouse receive the funds on their behalf?
A. In the event of the principal applicant's death, the distribution funds will be considered part of the deceased’s estate. The Distribution Administrator does not have the authority or capacity to determine the entitlement of the estate. Therefore, in the refund process, this portion will be recorded as the estate of Mr./Ms. [Name]. Once the necessary documentation is confirmed, the Distribution Administrator will contact the Estate Administrator to determine the appropriate distribution method. We recommend consulting your family law counsel to confirm the estate's entitlement and the appointment of the Estate Administrator.

Q. Under normal circumstances, can an investor’s family receive the funds on their behalf?
A. No. According to the Court's Appointment Order, the Distribution Administrator must distribute the settlement funds to the EB-5 investor, that is, the principal applicant. If the principal applicant is unable to receive the settlement funds, they should consult their legal counsel and raise objections/suggestions with the Court.

Q. Which channel should I use to receive the funds?
A. Please pay attention to the Distribution Administrator's Distribution Plan, which was approved by the Court on November 5, 2024.

Q. How can I submit Proof of Claim online?
1. Ensure you have prepared all the required documents listed in the document checklist.
2. Click the "File a Claim" button below to start your application.
- Enter your I-526 receipt number in the required field, excluding the letters "WAC."
3. After submitting the initial application form, you will receive two emails from
- The first email will confirm that you have submitted the initial application form.
The second email will contain a unique link that will allow you to upload all documents needed.
4. Instructions for uploading documents:
- After clicking the upload link, you will see folders categorized according to the document checklist. Ensure you upload files to the correct folders. To facilitate the review process, upload all documents on the same day
5. Once your documents are uploaded, we will begin our review process.
- If additional information is needed, we will notify you via email. For privacy reasons, please refrain from sending your documents as email attachments. All files must be uploaded using the provided link.

- 请在要求的位置输入您的I-526收据编号,且不要包含字母“WAC”。
- 第一封邮件将确认您提交了初始申请表格。
- 第二封邮件将包含一个链接,您可以通过该链接上传所有所需文件
- 点击上传文件的链接后,您将看到根据文件清单分类的不同文件夹。请确保将文件上传到正确的文件夹中。为了确保我们能审核您的所有文件,请在同一天上传所有文件。
5. 确保所有文件上传后,我们将开始审核您的材料
- 如果需要额外信息,我们会通过邮件通知您。 出于隐私原因,请勿通过电子附件的形式向我们发送任何文件,所有文件必须通过提供的链接上传。
Q. My immigration status is still processing. Can I wait for an update or the decision before submitting my claim?
A. Yes, you can. You can wait to submit your claim before the deadline, which is 11:59 PM EST on August 15, 2025.

Q. What about my immigration status?
A. Although the Distribution Administrator has engaged an immigration expert to support his work, neither the Administrator nor the immigration expert is in a position to provide any legal advice in response to an EB-5 investor’s specific questions seeking legal advice related to his or her immigration status. We recommend that each EB-5 investor consult with his or her own immigration counsel in connection with his or her specific immigration law questions and/or that each EB-5 Investor contact the United States Immigration and Citizenship Services, which runs the EB-5 Program. The Distribution Administrator’s office can provide necessary support in assisting EB-5 Investor’s immigration counsel’s work within the scope of the Distribution Administrator’s authority and responsibilities under the Appointment Order.

Q. I am currently preparing to submit my I-829 application. Who should I contact to obtain the project materials? Can the Administrator assist me with the I-829 submission?
A. No. According to the Court's Appointment Order, the Distribution Administrator has no authority to access or collect any materials or documents related to the EB-5 project. Thus, the Distribution Administrator cannot provide any documents or information regarding the EB-5 project or its related entities, such as NCEs and JCE. Additionally, the Distribution Administrator has no authority or obligation to submit any applications to USCIS on behalf of investors. We recommend that you consult with your immigration counsel for assistance.

Q. Will requesting the distribution of funds directly to me affect my immigration status or petition?
A. Yes, please be aware that requesting the distribution funds to be sent to you may impact your immigration status/petition. Please consult with your immigration counsel before your submission of the proof of claim form.

Q. How can I stay informed of progress in this Case?
A. Under the Appointment Order, the Administrator must update his work status by filing periodic reports to the Court. Investors can review the Administrator’s status reports on the Court’s docket system. In addition, the Administrator will update the case status on his law firm’s official website at, WeChat public account: Seiden Law and send out the same reports to the investors who have contacted him through as necessary.

答:根据任命令,和解款管理人必须通过定期向法院提交报告来更新其工作状态。投资人可以在法院的案卷系统上查看和解款管理人的状态报告。此外,和解款管理人还会在其律师事务所的官方网站www.seidenlaw.com上更新案件进展情况,微信公众号Seiden Law并在必要时将相同的报告发送给通过EB5@seidenlaw.com联系的投资人。
Q. Should I hire a lawyer?
A. You certainly have the right to hire or consult with your own lawyer. Please be aware that neither the Administrator nor his team represent you in this Case nor can they provide any legal advice to you in response to your questions that ask for legal advice.

Q. Who should I contact for questions regarding the fund distribution?
A. All inquiries regarding the Fund Distribution should be sent to
